Compact Plug - Normally closed ?
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am 04. Dezember 2023 12:34
Hello all,
I've just bought for my Controller 2 a Compact Plug for monitoring the consumption of my water pump located in my garage (I mean the pump for getting by the net the water for drinking, for my boilers, etc).
But when the controller 2 is OFF or Internet is DOWN, the plug and the pump are automatically off, even if the power is available there--->No water at all in my house.
The same happens if I would switch the power OFF in my garage (by differential switch for that room)----->the Compact plug remains closed even after having switched the power ON there again (with controller 2 and Internet always ON).
Is it normal that compact plug is Normally Closed ?
The only way to keep the Plug + Pump live again is to enter inside the app and switch manually the Plug on ON.
Is it an issue about its normal functionality or it's due to my wrong set-up ?
I will appreciate your suggestion/reply to understand if the compact plug really fits to my needs.
I've also tried to solve this issue by forcing the Plug to be ON every day and 24 hours per day (by Timer option) but this option gave no success.
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am 04. Dezember 2023 12:50
Hi @Nicola
as long as the plug has power it should be independant of the Controller and stay on until it's told to switch off.
The functioning of the Bosch smart home system is independant of the internet connection and only useful for remote control via the app.
There is a setting in the app to control how the plug responds after regaining power after an outage:
More > Devices > Smart plugs > Room > Status after power cut > Off/On/Status before power cut
You would want 'On' to be active in your case.
Mehrere Zwischenstecker Kompakt, Heizkörper-Thermostate II, Bewegungsmelder, Tür-/Fensterkontakte I/II.
Android 8.0, iOS 15.8.3
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am 04. Dezember 2023 13:51
Hi @AlanSumm
first of all many thanks for your fast reply.
In regards to your suggestion, can you please specify in which app area the setting you've described is located (status after power cut) ?
Inside Other>Devices>Smart plug>Plug ...> I can only view/change the following fields: 1)Name 2)Room 3) Symbol 4)Scope usage 5)Info on wifi range 6)Wifi signal test 7)Reset consumption values 8)Firmware 9)Zigbee id.
Please be patient to explain again where to set such "status before power cut"
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am 04. Dezember 2023 14:13
Do you have the latest version of the app (10.18)? This is a new feature which has been added just recently.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13
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05. Dezember 2023 07:11 - bearbeitet 05. Dezember 2023 07:14
Ideally, controller and app have the latest version (10.18). app is must-have for this.