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Radiator thermostat I/II implementation to Raspberry Pi or Arduino

Experienced Homie


for existing Raspberry Pi (next only RPi) is planned to use ZigBee.

It is possible connect e.g. Bosch Thermostat to RPi?

Where can be found technical data (requirements, technical info, etc.) for Bosch devices for right implementation to RPi, please?

Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

@misa15 No, that‘s no possible. To use all features of the BSH devices it’s mandatory to use the BSH controller.

All BSH device will be assigned individually to the controller by unique QR code.

Ich antworte hier als privater Nutzer. Ich bin weder Bosch SmartHome noch Robert Bosch Mitarbeiter.
SHC II mit Funkstick und 59 Geräten (Gen I und II) seit 09.04.2017, praktisch alle Geräetetypen, 3 Kameras (Außen I und II, Innen II, mit Cloud+ und Audio+), Yale Linus 1 und 2, Hue-Bridge und Home-Assistent. APC-USV
10 Automationen.
iPhone 15 Pro und iPad Pro 11“ mit iOS 18.4 PB2, HomePod als HomeKit-/Matterzentrale
gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

This is not completely true. Except for firmware updates the support in zigbee2mqtt* is basically there. So with a zigbee stick like the sonoff usb dongle you can connect the thermostat to a raspi - if said raspi is running zigbee2mqtt. 


*should be there in the december version

Apprentice Homie


have you tried it already? Can i somehow check my firmware without a controller.
Im pretty new to this...
I have Installed on my PI the ioBroker with a zigbee adapter and the sonoff dongle - using it for my sockets. 

I do not know if there is support in anything besides the Bosch SHC and Zigbee2MQTT at this point. According to this site it may have support in iobroker. Since I only use Z2M together with Home Assistant I can't really tell you more about how to set it up in iobroker.

Apprentice Homie

Hey @itkama , 

thanks for answering so quickly, ive done some reseach and @JJake answered me. 
There is until i can see no support for the Install Code. But i've opened an issue here in future i think this will be supported 🙂 Thanks 

Nice, so maybe support on yet another platform (that could also profit from firmware update files)

CEO of the Homies

You can't connect to devices directly via Zigbee, but you can connect to the Smart Home Controller over the network using the REST API.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

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