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Zwischenstecker Kompakt and rule with power consuption

Experienced Homie


how can be possible to set in Automation an rule with power consumption, please?


That means:

A. IF ("Energy" of the zwischenstecker> 10W) AND ("Energy" of the zwischenstecker> 30W) THEN "switch on green light1 in the room1"? (good condition of water pump)

B. IF "Power consumption of the zwischenstecker" > 2,2kWh THEN "switch off motor1"

C. IF "Energy" > 98W of the zwischenstecker THEN "flashing with red light2 in the room1, 500ms ON, 300ms OFF for 10 seconds (or 15 times)"? (water pump blocked or worked without water)

D. IF delta* "Power cunsumption of the zwischenstecker" > 0,2kWh THEN "switch off motor1" (not run for defined time e.g. 5 minutes, but run for specified power consumption from last power on the zwischenstecker)


* - delta means from only last switch on of the zwischenstecker

Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

Energy consumption (Wh) cannot be used in automations, only power consumption (W). Also, power consumption can unfortunately only be used as a trigger, not as a condition.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

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