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Radiator thermostat II and ??? (like successor for CT200 + radiator termostat I)

Experienced Homie


Radiator thermostat I can be combined together with CT200 + EasyControl Adapter (only optionaly for non Bosch condens devices).

And CT200 isn´t compatible with radiator thermostat I. Correct?


Exist any possibility (or is planned something):

A. Radiator thermostat II + ??? (for Bosch condens devices)?

B. Radiator thermostat II + ??? + ??? (for non Bosch condens devices)?


Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

@misa15 The CT200 is using communication channel 868 MHz, as the Heizkörper-Thermostat.

Heizkörper-Thermostat II is using ZigBee 3.0 (2,4 MHz) communication and isn’t therefore not compatible with the CT200y


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