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Radiator thermostat - info to whisper mode

Experienced Homie



in setting of radiator thermostat is possible enable/disable "whisper mode".

In manual is write the lifecycle of battery in stadard mode (whisper mode is off) of radiator thermostat approx. 1 year.


Which is battery lifecycle (approx. value), when radiator thermostat will be always in whisper mode?

How can be possible to define the phases of the whisper mode e.g. ON (from 10PM to 6AM), OFF (from 6AM to 10PM)?


Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

You can use automations to switch whisper mode on and off at specific times.


Don't know what the impact on battery life is. Never felt the need to use whisper mode.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Experienced Homie

Technical question and feeling (no technical) answer - to battery life. Your product, your PR.


In menu of whisper mode is write down "Please note that by activating whisper mode permanently, you reduce the battery duration of your device".


Whisper mode is not for me and not for you. But maybe you know the person which are more sensitive during sleeping for any other "louder" sound. This is the target of usage.


CEO of the Homies

@misa15 I'm just a user like you, not a Bosch employee. It's neither "my product" nor "my PR". Just speaking from personal experience. If you have a feature request, I'd suggest addressing Bosch directly.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Experte von Bosch Smart Home

Hello @misa15, the battery life span depends on the usage of the device. In standard mode the battery life will be approx 2 years. Using the whisper mode will reduce the life span. Exact numbers cannot be provided since - as already stated - it all depends on how often the valve will be opened/closed. We would assume that the valve will be closed once during the nighttime. Therefore, the impact on the battery life should be limited. Best regards, Philip

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