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HomeKit partner

Junior Homie

I have Homekit in multiple sites, Home and countryhouse. Installing the Bosch Home Smart Controller II and two smoke detectors in my Home was fine no problem. When installing partner Homekit the installation whant’s to install it in my country house Homekit setup? Why can’t I have the installation to my Home? I am doing the installation in my Home not from my country house. Please advise what to do. Svante


CEO of the Homies

@Sahm actually, it’s not possible to connect too BSH systems to one iPhone.

You will need second iPhone or iPad. If if you have installed this, you add second home to HomeKit.

but you will need the second iOS-device to manage the second BSH system.

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sorry I think you have misunderstood me. I have one BSH system that I want to connect to my Homekit. When I try to install this BSH system to this home it connects with my second home where there is no BSH system. As far as Homekit sites I have two one at home and one at my countryside house. I shall try to disable countryside snd try to indtall BSH at home. 

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