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Cannot find Smart Home Controller 2 with Company Phone

Junior Homie



I have just purchased a Smart Home Controller 2 and is working on setting this up.


I have been able to connect my 2 IPads to the controller. However since I am mainly only using

my IPhone (that is also managed by my company) I would like to use this for notifications and

smart home management. I am, however, unable to connect my IPhone to the controller even if

I am doing the same as for the IPads. I have looked through all settings and cannot find any visible

difference in the Wifi, BT, Smart Home settings and the company limitations should not affect this.


My IPads versions of IOS are 14.1 and 17.5.1. My IPhone version is 17.7.


Are there any known limitations of IOS versions or settings? Could you help me with hints of

where to look for a solution?


(Also, I hope more of the questions will be in English because it is very hard for a non-German

speaking to search the old discussions)



Experte von Bosch Smart Home

Hi @BobNordic,


just a quick guess: did you allow local network access in the iOS settings?

The app must be able to find the SHC in the local network.


Best regards,


Lead Android Developer @ Bosch Smart Home
Zuhause: SHC II mit 59 Geräten, 32 Automationen, Pixel 6 mit Android 15
☝️ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

@SebastianHarder Thanks for quick response and the hint!

However, local network access is allowed for the Smart Home app.

I also have ”private wifi adress” off and ”limit ip tracking” off for the wifi settings

and no vpn is active.


I also tried to connect both with the qr and with the ip adress without success.



I guess it is not possible to get more information from the app or the controller

that could simplify the failure analysis. (like a log)


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