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New mobile phone !!

Junior Homie

Hello , 

I am trying to connect my new iPhone ( iPhone 15)  home connect 2 but always come same error. I also even tried with Manual ip. 
But it’s shill working in my old phone(

I phone 11 with smart home connect 1

what is the solution? 



CEO of the Homies

@Sharif111 Please contact the home connect support.

This community is about the Bosch Smart Home System, a different subcompany of Bosch.

Ich antworte hier als privater Nutzer. Ich bin weder Bosch SmartHome noch Robert Bosch Mitarbeiter.

Experte von Bosch Smart Home

Hi @Sharif111, please try to delete your app data via iOS settings - Bosch Smart Home.

Lead Android Developer @ Bosch Smart Home
Zuhause: SHC II mit 59 Geräten, 32 Automationen, Pixel 6 mit Android 15
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