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Smart Home Controller - request feature - dew point

Experienced Homie


can be implemented like next feature to Smart Home Controller the dew point, please?


Tdp  =(243.04 × [ln(RH/100) + ( (17.625×T) / (243.04+T) )]) / (17.625 - [ln(RH/100) +
( (17.625×T) / (243.04+T) )])

Where Tdp is Dew Point Temperature(°C)

           RH is the relative humidity(%)

           T is the temperature (°C)


Thank in advance for answer.


Experte von Bosch Smart Home

Hi @misa15, thanks for the feature-request. We will inform our Engineering-Department. 

Best regards

Dear @SmartHomeGuru thank you.

Direct dew point value can be used in automation for e.g. bathroom for control the fan or for glass house with the flowers or room with stored vegetables, where dew point is very important paramter which have inpact to life or quality (how you see the dew point formula is little bit hard to input in IF condition).


For that reason, I please you add to Bosch Smart app to lightswitch new icon "FAN".


May I ask you how long it take, when new functionality is approved and when will be implemented?

Thank you.

Experte von Bosch Smart Home

Hi @misa15, we cannot provide any information about the timeframe for the implementation of new App as well as hardware features. Thanks for your understanding, Philip

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