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Info for Radiator thermostat I and II

Experienced Homie



Somewhere on the forum (or in the manual) there was an indication (for the radiator regulator) where over summer mode once in a while the valve opens and closes (so it doesn't get stuck with sediment).


1. How often does this motion activate (for TRV I and II)?
2. Is it possible to change this interval (for TRV I and II)?
3. Is it possible to deactivate/activate this function additionally (for TRV I and II)?
4. What is the recommendation for the valve position over summer mode?

Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

1. Once a week.

2. No.

3. No, it's always active.

4. The valve stays closed and opens briefly once a week. There is no way to change this.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen


CEO of the Homies

1. Once a week.

2. No.

3. No, it's always active.

4. The valve stays closed and opens briefly once a week. There is no way to change this.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Experienced Homie

Regarding point 4. "The valve stays closed and opens briefly once a week. There is no way to change this."

4A. For more valves (for one Bosch Smart Home Controller) are "once a week" same for all valves or is different?

4B. How long take this test for TRV I and TRV II? 

CEO of the Homies

See here in the FAQ:


My Bosch Smart Home Radiator Thermostat II turns up at the same time every Saturday even though it is deactivated. What can I do?

Every Saturday at 11 a.m., the Bosch Smart Home Radiator Thermostat II makes a descaling run. This cannot be deactivated and is necessary to keep the Bosch Smart Home Radiator Thermostat II and the heating system operational.

The same applies to the TRV I. I have never timed it, but I'd say it takes about a minute or so. It also re-calibrates during this process.

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Experienced Homie

Thanks. but this are works for all TRV II, but not for all TRV I...

Experienced Homie





Experienced Homie

I forgot write - you can see on graph, Radiator thermostat II have on Saturday test period for valvetapes (1st graph). But for Radiator thermostat are test period for valvetape are missing (2nd graph).  

CEO of the Homies

Don't know about the graph, but I can clearly hear my thermostats (1st gen) doing their routine every Saturday at 11. They're not exactly silent. 😉

Yours don't do anything? Or are you only relying on the graph?

Privater Endanwender, kein Bosch-Mitarbeiter.
SHC II + Funk-Stick mit 53 Geräten, 124 Automationen, OnePlus 7T mit Android 12 / Portege Z20t-B mit Android 13

☝ gerne mitmachen! Info SHC Generation, Smartphone und Betriebssystem hilft häufig bei der Lösung von Problemen. Einfach im Profil bei "Persönliche Informationen" in der "Signatur" eintragen.

Experienced Homie

About investigation - not work of test period for radiator thermostats 1 - found for room with two installed radiator thermostat 1...

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