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Two Heizkörper-Thermostat in one room

Experienced Homie


when were added to one room 1pc of Room Thermostat and 2pcs of Radiator Thermostat, then Radiator Thermostat were join together.


How is working the regulation for two regulators?

How can be possible to set required temperature in this situation (now is possible to choice only "Low", "High")?

How can be possible show in Favourites instead text e.g. "Low" the temperature value?


Thank you.


CEO of the Homies

All thermostats placed in the same room always get combined, that's correct. There is only one temperature setting which applies to all of them.


"Low" means a window contact has detected an open window and the thermostats have temporarily closed the valves.

"High" means quick heating has been enabled and the valves have temporarily been fully opened.

If all windows are closed and quick heating is disabled, the favourites tile should show the set temperature.

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